The Buddhology Blog
Social constructionism is a term used in sociology, social ontology, and communication theory. The term can serve somewhat different functions in each field, however, the...
The world we live in is a product of countless generations, and our conscious and unconscious tendencies. There are so many wonderful aspects of our world, and so many terrible and frightening...
What is the skillful practice that leads to the state of peace?
One should be upright, capable, straightforward, and gentle in speech,
Humble, content, and frugal, free from busyness, light...
One sutta (Buddha’s teaching) that deeply resonated with me is the 'Honey-Cake Discourse' (Madhupiṇḑika-sutta) from Majjhima-Nikāya (MN 18). In this discourse, when a man with a staff...
One way of understanding Buddhology is that it is a way of helping us build our natural intelligence by training our minds.
Intelligence depends upon concentration, and concentration, in turn,...