The Buddhology Blog

Social Constructionism buddhology Jan 06, 2024

Social constructionism is a term used in sociology, social ontology, and communication theory. The term can serve somewhat different functions in each field, however, the...

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Building a New System Through Honesty buddhology Jan 04, 2024

The world we live in is a product of countless generations, and our conscious and unconscious tendencies. There are so many wonderful aspects of our world, and so many terrible and frightening...

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Why Harmonious Living? ashley davis buddhology harmonious living Dec 31, 2023

One sutta (Buddha’s teaching) that deeply resonated with me is the 'Honey-Cake Discourse' (Madhupiṇḑika-sutta) from Majjhima-Nikāya (MN 18). In this discourse, when a man with a staff...

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Training our Attention andrew davis attention buddhology Dec 30, 2023

One way of understanding Buddhology is that it is a way of helping us build our natural intelligence by training our minds.

Intelligence depends upon concentration, and concentration, in turn,...

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